
website design

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Guideline: Placement on Nuffnang Ads Unit on Your Blog

Guideline: Placement on Nuffnang Ads Unit on Your Blog

Language of Guideline: Bi-language (English & Mandarin)

Bloggers who have just registered themselves with Nuffnang, you yourself are called Nuffnangers. =)


Disclaimer: We are not acting on behalf on Nuffnang to provide these guidelines on the internet and our guideline provided is solely based on our experience and with the aid of instructions posted on Although the below guideline has been tested and proved to be work, we disclaim 100% accuracy on the guideline as every computer has its own situation. We welcome any feedback from you, in any form available to you.

First of all, there are 3 types of ads units that are available for all bloggers to place in different parts of their blog. There are Header (Leaderboard), Sidebar (Skyscrapper) & Between contents (Large Rectangle).

首先,那裡有三種不同的廣告單位提供給所有博客以便放在你們部落格裡不同的位置上。那三種廣告單位是:Header (Leaderboard)Sidebar (Skyscrapper) & Between contents (Large Rectangle)

     Please do ensure that you've added your blog address in Blog Manager first.
     請確保你先在Blog Manager註冊你的部落格。

Step 1: / 步驟一: Login to Blogger & Go to "Design" / 登錄Blogger及前進“Design”

First step to start placing your ads units. Login to your Blogger account and click on the "Design" button in your dashboard. You will be in your dashboard just after you've logged into your account.


Step 1: Login to Blogger Account & Go to Design

Steps 2 to 4 are for Header (Leaderboard) Between contents (Large Rectangle).
步驟二至步驟四是用於Header (Leaderboard) Between contents (Large Rectangle)。

Step 2: / 步驟二: Go to "Edit HTML" and Tick "Expand Widget Templates" / 前進“Edit HTML”及將"Expand Widget Templates"旁的格子打勾

Under the "Design" tab, click on "Edit HTML" and when it comes to "Edit HTML" tick the box beside the "Expand Widget Templates".

在"Design"之下,按"Edit HTML"然後把"Expand Widget Template"旁的格子給打勾。

Step 2: Tick Expand Widget Template

Step 3: / 步驟三: Adding Leaderboard Unit / 加入Leaderboard單位

Click "Ctrl+F" and type "<body" to get to the line highlighted in the diagram. Insert the code provided from Nuffnang after the highlighted line as shown in the diagram.


Step 3: Adding Leaderboard Unit

Step 4: / 步驟四: Adding Large Rectangle Unit / 加入Large Rectangle單位

Find "post-footer-line-2" in HTML template editor by using "Ctrl+F" and look for </b:includable> element nearby to insert the ads code provided above it.


Step 4.1: Find the line "post-footer-line-2" using "Ctrl+F"
Step 4.2: Look for </b:includable> & Insert the ads code.

Step 5: / 步驟五: Adding Skyscrapper Unit / 加入Skyscrapper單位

It's easier to add Skyscrapper compared to the other two. Click on the "Page Elements" in "Design". Click on the "Add a Gadget", then "HTML/Java Script". After you've clicked on "HTML/Java Script", paste the ads code for Skyscrapper unit in the content area. You can give whatever name to the gadget name in the title column. =)

比起其他兩個,Skyscrapper單位是比較容易添加。在"Design"界面裡按"Page Elements",然後再按"Add a Gadget"。過後尋找"HTML/Java Script"來添加。按了"HTML/Java Script",把所提供的編碼置入內容框格內。你可以在題目框格內添加任何名字於那個廣告編碼。=)

Step 5.1: Go to Page Elements and adding a gadget
Step 5.2: Click on HTML/Java Script
Step 5.3: Adding the ads code for Skyscrapper

And that's it. It's done! ^^ You can check out your blog for the advertisements unit placement. If there are advertisements available at the moment, it will appear in your blog, or else, the area will only show Nuffnang Logo.

就這樣完成啦!^^ 你可以立刻查看你部落格裡廣告的位置。如果目前有任何廣告分配於你,你部落格裡的廣告單位才會出現該廣告。不然,那些位置只會顯示Nuffnang標誌。

Signed off by,

Monday, December 20, 2010

Review: Narnia 3 [Movie]

Review: Narnia 3: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of The Dawn Treader [Movie]

Language of review: Mandarin



  由博伟电影制作,二十世纪霍士代理发行,改编自C.S路易斯的著名小说    <<纳尼亚传奇>> <<黎明的踏浪号>>是该电影系列中的第三部,上映日期为20101210日。




三人游上水来,被画里航海船的水手们救起。露西赫然发现, 救起她的水手之一,竟是好友---凯史奔王子。这已确实他们真的来到了纳尼亚的王国。




个人认为,<<纳尼亚3:黎明的踏浪号>>好看的原因,主要是该片透过“魔”,带出了一个很值得大家注意的道德观念:“贪欲容易使人迷失本性。”---片中, 艾德蒙在一个无人岛上,发现岩石洞里的水,能够滴水成金时,曾和凯史奔王子发生争执,大打出手,幸而被旁观者清的露西及时劝住,由此可见“贪欲”令人失去本性是多么的厉害!(注:当中,还有其他有关“贪欲” 的例子,观众可以在看<<纳尼亚3>>时,多多留意露西渴求美貌的片段。)



Signed off by,
Jeff & Tan

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Reviewers Intake

Possess the talent of writting? Have lots of ideas after using a certain products or brands? Know lots of great products and brands to be recommended to the users or readers throughout the community?


Yes, we are building our panel of reviewers in our team so that we can ensure all of you here are able to receive more detailed and interesting information regarding the products and brands that you are interested and following.

If you're the one that we're looking for, you're welcomed to contact us at, message either one of us in Facebook,leave your message in our Facebook wall or drop us a comment containing your contact details such as E-mail address. =)

Signed off by,


Friday, December 10, 2010

Further Information from US!

Further Information from US!

Hi guys! ^^ How's your day there? Being excited and energetic throughout the day as it's Friday today?

Objective Statement:
- Provide a better & affordable medium to direct your consumers to you faster and easier.
- Provide clearer & up-to-date information about your products & brands to your users & consumers.

What you guys have to do if you're interested?:
1) Contact us at the following or click this link to see the way that you can approach us for more details & information.

2) If you're determined to try our service, you can directly approach us at the following with the details that you wanna include in the article and we'll get the work done for you. ^^


You guys can contact us through the following mentioned:

.:. 1 .:.  Emails

            Jeff & Tan:
            Wave: &

.:. 2 .:.  Facebook Page - Jeff & Tan

Remember guys! FREE TRIALS!! =)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Very first introduction of us!

Hi. We are Jeff & Tan. Blog has been started to promote pages/blogs to more users & readers on Internet. Through these essential mediums provided by Social Websites, we try our best to increase our users' popularity.

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